Maximum Ride Characters

Hello! This is my favorite book series, and there making it into a movie! They don’y have a commercial yet. But here are the flock’s theme songs:

Here are the characters….

Max is the leader of the flock. She can fly at over 200 miles an hour and has a voice inside her head. Yes, if you read all the books, she and Fang fall in love. Her full name is Maximum Ride. Her last name is from Sally Ride, the astronaut, and her first name is from somewhere. I don’t know. It never says anything in the book about it, it just says it in the manga, and that’s only abotu her last name. Here she is.

Okay, next is Fang. He looks kinda like Gakupo in the Manga, but I imagined him with more of a skater boy haircut. But anyway, if Fang sits still long enough, he turns invisible. What kinda stinks is that he can’t turn invisible on command. But guess what?!?! HE HAD A BLOG IN THE BOOK! The blog eventually round up about 10,000 kids to help defeat ITEX, an evil incorporation that is trying to kill the flock. THEY ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👿 Here is Fang! @-@ (I think Fang can breathe under water as well!)

Oooooh! He’s mine! *w* But anyway, next in Iggy. Iggy is blind, but he can “feel” colors and make exsplosives out of pretty much anything. That is why he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! But ya… he has a good sense of humor. I’m running out of ideas. Here is Iggy!

Okay, here’s Nudge! Nudge can draw metal objects twords her, and also she can hack into any computer. She’s a sweet kid, but she has a motor mouth that could turn Mother Teresa into an ax murderer. 😆 She also is very dependant on the flock, and she gets worried when she’s alone. Here she is….

Gazzy! Gaxxy can also make explosives out of almost anything, can imitate any sound perfectly, and can fart a fart so stinky, it would make a skunk faint! XD 😆 But he is Angel’s (next one!) real brother, so he’s about 8-ish. Here is a pic of the Gas-Man! (That’s his nickname)

MaximumRide-Gazzy.jpg Gazzy image by kcpengie11

Last is Angel. Angel really hit the mutant powers jackpot. She can read minds, control minds, breathe under-water, and talk to fish. She is also really cute. Since she is only about six, she has very small wings, but she can still “fly”. But here is the adorable Angel.

Well, that’s all of them! Here is a Max and Fang video.


Midnight swims out with her Vaporeon named Athena.

60 thoughts on “Maximum Ride Characters

  1. wow this is very nice im actually drawing a pic for my project no where near good 😛 lol

    are these made by computer animations or did you draw them and scan them on computer and edit a bit?

  2. 🙂 i would post a pic i just drew put my scanner is broke 😛 lol its a pick of gazzy i might add btw this site rox!! im still waiting to read “The Final Warning” 🙂

  3. nice. How do they look? Oh, Pikes! Can you bring those things i left at your house to the fair today. I’ll drop by the snowcone stand nad get it from you.

    • I know! I hate it when people try to draw anime and it turns out bad but they still put it in videos! It’s a discrace to Maximum Ride and other animes!!!

  4. twilight does suck. i cant believe catherine is gonna b the director after wat she did to twilight. does any1 know wen the movie is coming out?

  5. i love the pictures in your video! *sigh* they were amazing.

    yeah… I’ve never read the manga, but that’s why i checked out the book at the library. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the first book, so i’m stuck with the second. oh well, it’s still amazing.

  6. OMG I LOVE MAXIMUM RIDE!!!!! I’m on the 3rd book right now and i’m almost done with it. Also what are fangs powers? and another thing i draw anime not to brag but i’m really good at it hehehe! 🙂 again i love james patterson and maximum ride. I LOVE YOU MAX!

  7. actually the Gas Man is Gazzy’s real name and Gazzy is his nickname. hes also about 7 or 8 if i recall correctly. and Fang, Max and Angel can breath under water

  8. I am not so sophistical to be well-suited to write gifted stuff like you do but I am trying to pay it back so hoepfully this will cause you a smile or make you burst into laughter or at the very least give you a thought for the day? : If God dropped acid, would he see people?

    Source: article post

    • Hahaha that made me laugh and thank you so much it’s nice people like u that make me want to keep blogging! ya guys!

  9. hi people i love these books know he stoped making them but all i read are these books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  10. I love the maximum ride series. I can’t wait for the book after max to come out in February of 2012!!!!!!!!!

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